However a month or so ago I stumbled across what I thought would be a great idea for a story. Now normally my flights of fictional fancy have been so darn earnest and full of hand wringing that really don't represent me, or at least not a me that has left his twenties behind him.
Instead this kernel comes from a place that has been me all along:
Dark, dry and a little bit (nay a whole lot) silly.
So as I start to construct this loose thread of ideas into something legible, I will aim to use this space to bounce ideas around and to post things that inspire me on this adventure. It will hopefully keep me creatively wired and (most importantly) moving forward.
For now though I offer you a mock-up blurb of the story, like something you would find on the back of a novel. This isn't intended to give you the full picture but to set the tone and give you a glimpse as to where I am coming from and aiming for.
I hope you like it.
Ryan always wanted to be an architect, but sometimes dreams get traded. Instead he is a journalist and not a very successful one. In order to supplement his income, Ryan has taken a role as a lackey at a prestigious law firm, one that is making good coin in such a terrible economic climate.
Ryan’s curiosity (and naïveté) finally gets the better of him and he discovers the firm’s shocking secret to its success. Worse still is the revelation of who is actually behind the cunning scheme.
Suddenly, Ryan is faced with some tough questions:
Does he tell the Uncle who hired him about what is transpiring?
Will he leverage his somewhat questionable membership of The Fourth Estate to write the story of the year?
And perhaps most importantly…
…how does one get blood out of a credenza anyhow?