Considering the story involves a lot of working stiffs in a law firm (apologies to all working stiffs out there), I am able to drastically limit any opportunity to crowbar in a reference to a song or artist. Mind you I have lined up at least one recurring gag involving Hall & Oates as well as a very obscure nod to David Bryan.
Don't know who he is? Mission accomplished.
The one overt allowance is the classic 1987 album 'Man Of Colours' by legendary Australian outfit Icehouse. Without going into too much detail as to how it makes an appearance (it involves a cassette version of the album) or shape the story (it doesn't) I have instead revisited the album to get a sense as to how it affects our hero (he reluctantly loves it).
And that has been my take on it over the years. You see the Summer of 1987/88 was soundtracked by two albums, the aforementioned 'Man Of Colours' and John Mellencamp's 'The Lonesome Jubilee'. I am fairly sure that these were the only two albums my parents played over the 3 months. This is obviously incorrect as there are other songs from that time that I recall. But what sticks out was the incessant repeating of Man of Fucking Colours and Mellencamp's "every guy" rock.
The image of my parents dancing (over and over again) to 'Cherry Bomb' will be with me fondly forever.
So what has Iva Davies left me with?
It's interesting. Is it the best Aussie release of the 80s? According to the recent Triple J poll, there are 11 other albums from that decade that make an appearance. 'Man Of Colours' doesn't even rate a mention. But I can tell you now that I would play this before busting out 'Whispering Jack' any day of the week.
The reason for this rests with the overall sound of the album which still impresses me. When you consider that there are only a few songs in the set that scream 1987 (mainly resigned to the final few numbers) it is an album I can come back to at any time.
Obviously the copy my parents wore out that Summer didn't wear me out.