If it wasn't for the whole Green Card issue and the fact that the only experience I have (apart from 2 years in a Trustee Company) is telling people to steer clear of the new Eminem album, then I'm sure I could get a job in this town. It would probably in a bar or a pizza joint beacause as you know life is (always) like a sitcom.
Beantown is full of obsessed sports fans and by that I mean fans obsessed with teams from Boston. Because it is summer it is the Redsox everywhere (and I mean everywhere) but, come the winter, everyone will be rocking the Celtics and Bruins gear. I just got back from Fenway Park (home of the Redsox and the Green Monstah) and I felt a pang of loss of the suburban Australian Football ground. Hate on Victoria Park and my beloved Windy Hill all you want but there is history in them thar fields and it is a pity they are relics of their former selves.
Boston: if you do nothing else, keep playing at Fenway Park.
Not quite true as Boston has more going for it than just sitting in the right field bleachers eating a Fenway Frank. My favourite part of time is the North End and the Italian Community that inhabit it. As you walk around the narrow streets of this little nook of Boston you gain a sense of the old school neighbourhood still in action. Posters on upcoming feasts adorn the shop windows along with Italian flags and 'Re-elect Menino' stickers. Thomas Menino is Boston's first Italian-American Mayor and in September's upcoming election his main opponent is Michael Flaherty. The Italians duking it out with the Irish once more it seems.
This time with a little less bloodshed one hopes.
Speaking of potential bloodshed I decided to have my travellers scruff shaved off cut throat style by one of the Italian Barbers in the North End. You are not a man until you sit in a chair with your life in the hands of a man that looks like your great Uncle Pauly.
Other random observations about this city:
- Most young men who work in an office seem to wear a blue open necked shirt with a white T-shirt underneath. There must be a special going on at J C Penny.
- The Samuel Adams Summer Ale in a pint is near perfection. One question though: was Sam Adams a brewer before or after he was involved in the American Revolution?
- The best remark I heard came courtesy of the hokey (yet necessary) tour bus conductor: "Coming up shortly we will be passing the studios of our local Fox News affiliate. Please note the bus slightly dips to the right when we go by" Zing!
- As I walked back from Fenway Park on this warm Boston evening I suddenly heard the classic sounds of "Summertime" by DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince. I assumed it was originating from a sweet ride cruising down Beacon Street bit sadly it came from a boombox strapped to the back of a low ride bike being riddin by a wannabe wigga. At least I can take comfort in knowing their is one in every town.
Time to head across the Atlantic to Dublin for a few days and watch these guys from the North Side play a few songs in a football stadium. You may have heard of them.
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