Monday, December 15, 2008

We liked the same music - we liked the same bands

When a 12 track album contains no less than 7 Top 10 U.S. singles, you know the album tracks are going to be quality.

The song 'Bobby Jean' from Born In The U.S.A. wasn't a single but the tune probably means more to a fan of The Boss than any of the others on that monster album. The casual listener assumes it is another tale of a girl leaving a boy but it is actually about Springsteen dealing with the departure of his right hand man, his 'Blood Brother', Little Stevie from the band.

Yesterday I said goodbye to my good friend David who starts the next journey of his life in Toronto. David is an immensely talented musician and his heartfelt songs on love and life should sit comfortably with a North American audience in front of him.

So to my own 'Blood Brother' - Good luck and goodbye. This one's for you Mr Gillespie: