Monday, October 6, 2008

25,000 words and a title

Some of you may know that I have been writing fiction on and off for a number of years now. Some of it has been in my former guise as a journalist (I'm half kidding of course) but the bulk has been exposed to only myself and Microsoft Word.

Last Sunday I hit a milestone of 25,000 words, that's about a third of a novel done and dusted. My thinking is, if I get to roughly 70,000 words and send it out to publishers (who will be courteous and tell me to continue whatever it is I do when I'm not wasting their time) then that is the very definition of giving it a shot.

I am spurred on by the words of a much more talented gentleman than I could ever be. Jackson Pollock once said:

"The pictures I contemplate painting would constitute a halfway state and an attempt to point out the direction of the future - without arriving there completely."

Contemplate being the key word.

The title will be called 'Exit' and I hope that one day you can read it.

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