Monday, November 24, 2008

A call to anyone half smart in the music industry

I was watching (once again) a great little indie flick from 1990 called 'Cadence' starring Charlie Sheen, Laurence Fishburne and former President Bartlet.

One of the highlights of the film is the appearance of a Mr Harry Stewart who plays the role of Harry 'Sweetbread' Crane. Now 'Sweetbread' doesn't talk in the film but boy can he sing.

Here is a snippet from the film:

Now I'm not a religious man (Jeebus can back me up on that) but you must be dead not to feel the emotion in that song. A song mind you that Harry Stewart wrote himself.

With a song and a voice like that, he should have made it big in at least the Christian Music charts let alone the secular. Because Harry Stewart dropped off the face of the planet not long after 'Cadence' was released, the interweb is full of conjecture of his whereabouts but the most consistent story is that he lives in a shelter and not doing too well.

What an absolute shame that a talent like that is wasted to the world. If anyone out there has any sort of clout - find Harry Stewart.

We would all be grateful.

1 comment:

Johanne Miller said...

That's an amazingly heartfelt song!
It's sad how he turned out.
I too hope that someone out there (anyone at all) helps him somehow.